Assorted, Self, Tapping, screws, Posidrive, 612, 800

Product Details

Assorted Self Tapping screws Posidrive 6-12 (800)


Product Description

800 Assorted Self Tappers, Pan Head Posidrive 6-12 gauge (Type AB)

 Contents (8 sizes)
 100 x ST3 (6 x 1/2)
 100 x ST4 (6 x 3/4)
 100 x ST6 (8 x 1/2)
 100 x ST7 (8 x 3/4)
 100 x ST8 (8 x 1)
 100 x ST9 (10 x 1/2)
 100 x ST10 (10 x 3/4)
 100 x ST13 (12 x 3/4)

For individual sizes, Search "ST" (for black sizes see AT71)

* additional info

Product Code: AT24

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