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5-Core (5 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) * Image used as illustration
13-Core Cable x 10mAC13£58.50 13-Core Cable Strands 8 x 21/03 & 5 x 35./03 Amps 8 x 21/03 = 12.75 amp 5 x 35/03 …7-Core Cable (6x14, 1x28) x 30mAC9£55.45 7-Core. 6x14/0.30 + 1x28/0.30. (Black Outer) 8.75/17.5amp (30mtr roll) 7-Core Cable (7 x 9/030) x 30mAC8£36.25 7-Core (7 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) Max 5.75 amps4-Core Cable (4 x 9/030) x 30mAC31£23.20 4-Core (4 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) * Image used as illustration Sort by -- Please Select --Name (Z-A)Name (A-Z)Date Added (Newest First)Date Added (Oldest First)Price (High-Low)Price (Low-High)Product Code (High-Low)Product Code (Low-High)
13-Core Cable Strands 8 x 21/03 & 5 x 35./03 Amps 8 x 21/03 = 12.75 amp 5 x 35/03 …
7-Core. 6x14/0.30 + 1x28/0.30. (Black Outer) 8.75/17.5amp (30mtr roll)
7-Core Cable (7 x 9/030) x 30mAC8£36.25 7-Core (7 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) Max 5.75 amps4-Core Cable (4 x 9/030) x 30mAC31£23.20 4-Core (4 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) * Image used as illustration Sort by -- Please Select --Name (Z-A)Name (A-Z)Date Added (Newest First)Date Added (Oldest First)Price (High-Low)Price (Low-High)Product Code (High-Low)Product Code (Low-High)
7-Core (7 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) Max 5.75 amps
4-Core (4 x 9/030) x 30m. 5.75amp (black Outer) * Image used as illustration
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