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Crimpers (for Brass Bullets)

CMP6Crimpers (for Brass Bullets)


Crimpers for Brass Bullets (WT72). Handle colours may vary Technical Datasheet 

Ratchet Crimpers (Flag Terminal)

CMP4Ratchet Crimpers (Flag Terminal)


Product description: Ratchet Crimper (Flag Terminal) (suits WT78 & WT83) Handle colours may vary…

Light duty Crimpers

CMP1Light duty Crimpers


240mm Crimper (Light Duty) Easy Grip Cushion Handle Wire Cutter Wire Stripper Bolt Cut…

Ratchet Crimpers (Uninsulated Spades)

CMP5Ratchet Crimpers (Uninsulated Spades)


Ratchet Crimper (Uninsulated Spades) (suits WT84 & WT85) Not suitable for 6mm terminals Hand…

Heavy Duty Comfort Crimpers

CMP3Heavy Duty Comfort Crimpers


Quality Heavy Duty Ratchet Crimper. Suitable for Red, Blue & yellow Crimp Terminals. Handle co…

Heavy Duty Ratchet Crimpers

CMP2Heavy Duty Ratchet Crimpers


  Heavy Duty Ratchet Crimper Handle colours may vary Datasheet  

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