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Cord End Crimpers (10.0 - 35.0mm²)

CMP13Cord End Crimpers (10.0 - 35.0mm²)


  Cord End Crimper (10.0 - 35.0mm²) Handle colours may vary    Technical Datashe…

Cord End Crimpers (4.0 - 16.0mm²)

CMP12Cord End Crimpers (4.0 - 16.0mm²)


Cord End Crimper (4.0 - 16.0mm²) Handle colours may vary  

TWIN Cord End Crimpers (TCE0.5 - 6.0)

CMP14TWIN Cord End Crimpers (TCE0.5 - 6.0)


  TWIN Cord End Crimper 0.5 – 6mm² (TCE0.5 - 6.0) Handle colours may vary    T…

Cord End Crimpers (0.14mm²-10.0mm²)

CMP16Cord End Crimpers (0.14mm²-10.0mm²)


Cord End Crimper (0.14mm²-10.0mm²) Handle colours may vary    Technical Datasheet…

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