Paintless Dent Removal Tool

Product Details

Paintless Dent Puller Kit


Product Description

Was £24.95

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Adjustable Paintless Dent Puller PDR Kit, with 24 Plastic Tabs. (8 sizes)

Adjust the screw on the trimmer clamp according to the depth of the dent.
Place the groove on the appropriate plastic apron pliers to the depth and surface of the deck.
Affix tab using hot melt glue on the surface of the panel to be fixed.
After the glue has cooled, correct the dent with slight tightening movements.

In addition to applying pull force with this product, you can also apply more precise and stable pull force with the help of the adjustable screw on the pliers.

(hot glue gun not included)

Product Code: TL320

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